Thursday , October 24 2024

Vietnamese President proposes six new ‘enhancements’ to bolster ties with Japan in parliament speech

Vietnamese President Võ Văn Thưởng (standing) delivered a speech at the National Diet of Japan on Wednesday. — VNA/VNS Photo Thống Nhất

TOKYO — Vietnamese President Võ Văn Thưởng on Wednesday has delivered a speech on Việt Nam-Japan relations at the National Diet of Japan in Tokyo, as part of his official visit to the country.

Connections between Japan and Việt Nam began over 1,000 years ago, starting from people-to-people exchanges and developing into political, diplomatic, and economic cooperation, Thưởng noted.

While the two countries are not in proximity geographically, they share many similarities in culture, history and human character, he noted, adding that the bilateral ties can be summarised by the phrase ‘predestined connections.’

In the past, Việt Nam was known as a country mired in conflict and underdevelopment, but today, after 40 years of đổi mới (reforms), Việt Nam has become a country of peace, friendship, cooperation and development, and strives to become a developed country by 2030 with modern industrial base and medium-high income, Thưởng said.

“Việt Nam admires the reform policies and socio-economic development that have turned Japan into an economic powerhouse with an important international role in the region and the world. The achievements of the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’ are a great source of inspiration, valuable experience and motivation for Việt Nam,” the Vietnamese President told the Japanese parliament.

In the 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, Japan has become the leading economic partner of Việt Nam, second biggest partner in labour cooperation, third in terms of investment and tourism, and fourth in commerce, Thưởng noted.

Currently, about 520,000 Vietnamese people are living, working and studying in Japan, while approximately 22,000 Japanese people are living and working in Việt Nam. Nearly 100 localities have established friendly and cooperative relations. These connections are essential to strengthen the relationship between Việt Nam and Japan.

Japan’s official development assistance has been effectively utilised to boost the socio-economic development of Việt Nam.

He remarked that Việt Nam and Japan have become reliable and close partners over the past 50 years, and the new Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia and in the world, announced in conjunction with Prime Minister Kishida Fumio earlier this week, is a milestone, opening up a new chapter in the comprehensive and effective development of bilateral ties.

“The new framework allows us to elevate and expand the scope of cooperation, not only in bilateral relations but also in regional and global issues. It covers traditional areas and new areas of cooperation, such as addressing climate change, clean energy, digital transformation, green FDI, green finance, and new-generation ODA, in line with the spirit of the Việt Nam-Japan partnership, looking towards the future and reaching the world,” Thưởng said.

President Võ Văn Thưởng. — VNA/VNS Photo Thống Nhất

According to the president, the two countries need to implement the new framework with new thinking, new orientations, and new approaches.

The Vietnamese Head of State proposed six ‘enhancements’ to bolster the already strong partnership.

First, the further strengthening of political trust and exchanges at all levels to establish a solid foundation for bilateral relations across all channels, including those of the Party, Government and National Assembly, and exchanges between parliamentarians and delegates of the two countries.

Second, enhancing the connection between the two economies, with Japan expected to support Việt Nam in successfully implementing industrialisation and modernisation, while Việt Nam is committed to being an attractive destination for Japanese businesses, contributing to diversifying supply chains, production chains, and providing an important labour force for Japan’s development.

Third, strengthening the close cooperation between the two countries in defence and security, contributing to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

Fourth, further promoting cultural, people-to-people exchanges, cooperation in education and training, tourism and connectivity between localities, contributing to enhancing mutual understanding, solidarity and friendship between the two nations.

Fifth, enhancing cooperation in international and regional issues, contributing positively to maintaining peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Sixth, promoting the role of the Việt Nam-Japan Joint Committee on Accelerating Việt Nam’s Industrialisation, the Việt Nam-Japan Joint Committee on Administrative Reform, and other cooperation mechanisms, to continue identifying new initiatives and effectively resolving any obstacles.

“We are confident that with our determination, efforts and creativity, the Việt Nam-Japan relationship will continue to develop comprehensively, substantively and effectively, bringing practical benefits to the people of the two countries, contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world,” President Thưởng said. — VNS

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