Tuesday , September 17 2024

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Singapore Airlines to resume regular flights to Da Nang next month

Singapore Airlines has become the first international carrier to announce resumption of commercial flights to Da Nang City from March 27 after nearly two years of suspension. Singapore’s flag carrier is now selling air tickets for the service, the city’s news portal reported. There would be one daily return flight …

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Wall Street or Disneyland? HCMC mulls financial center themes

Wall Street or Disneyland? HCMC mulls financial center themes

Two different main themes have been presented for an international financial center in HCMC: one a traditional Wall-Street-like concept; and the other, a Disneyland. There are investors who are ready to invest at least $6 billion in the new financial center and they want a Disneyland there, Jonathan Hanh Nguyen, …

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Farm exports boom in new year

  High quality rice is being prepared for export. Photo nld.com.vn HCM CITY – Farm exports to difficult markets like Japan, South Korea, Australia, and the EU have been prolific in the first two months of this year, raising hopes for a successful year. Phạm Thái Bình, general director of …

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