Sunday , September 8 2024

MoH proposes that seven additional papers be recognised to claim social insurance


A medical worker examines the recovery certificate of a COVID-19 patient who was treated at home. — VNA/VnExpress News Photo Minh Quyết 

HÀ NỘI — The Ministry of Health has proposed that seven more papers be recognised as applicable to social insurance claims, to help COVID patients who are recovering at home access payments.

At the moment, only two such papers are valid, as per Article 100 of the Law on Social Insurance.  

In the case of an employee receiving outpatient treatment, they must have a certificate proving that they are absent from work, to still be eligible for social insurance payments.

However, COVID-19 patients treated at home are unable to go to medical examination and treatment facilities to receive this certificate.

The proposed papers include; a decision to isolate at home issued by the local government; a certificate of completion of the quarantine period issued by the local government; positive rapid or PCR test results for COVID-19, issued by a medical facility; confirmation of being infected with COVID-19 from either the Commune Health Station, Mobile Medical Station, Community COVID Team or medical agency/enterprise; and a certificate of leave to enjoy social insurance issued by the commune health station or mobile medical station.

The two other papers include a decision of completing concentrated medical isolation and confirmation COVID-19 treatment at field hospitals.

According to the Ministry of Health, the seven types of documents are not specified in the Law on Social Insurance, the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment and other relevant legal documents. Therefore, the Ministry of Health does not have a legal basis to include the guidance in the Draft Circular amending and supplementing Circular No. 56/2017/TT-BYT.

According to preliminary statistics, as of March 1, 2022, the whole country has about 920,000 people receiving treatment at home and in need of a certificate of COVID-19 infection to enjoy benefits.

In some localities, many workers with COVID-19 who self-treat at home are facing difficulties when applying for a certificate of leave to enjoy social insurance, as a basis for enjoying sickness benefits.

In provinces and cities with a high number of COVID-19 cases like Hà Nội, Bắc Giang, Hải Dương, Hòa Bình, Bắc Ninh and Hải Phòng, COVID-19 patients have been rushing to local health stations by themselves to do the certification procedures.

This not only risks spreading the virus but also increases the workload for medical staff.

Under current regulations, the issuance of certificates of leave to enjoy social insurance is carried out by medical examination and treatment facilities. The majority of employees with COVID-19 are only issued with a certificate of completion of isolation or completion of COVID-19 treatment at home, issued by the local government or a commune-level health station.

Employees cannot use this confirmation for social insurance benefits, meaning those that isolate at home miss out. 

To ensure the rights of employees, reduce administrative procedures, promptly settle social insurance benefits for employees and ensure the correct implementation of the law, the Ministry of Health has proposed these seven types of documents are recognised as valid certificates of leave for social insurance.

In case the resolution is not issued, the ministry proposes instead that the Government assign authority to the Minister of Health to recognise the seven types of documents. The authority to issue these different documents will be included in a circular that amends and supplements Circular No. 56/2017/TT-BYT. — VnExpress News

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