Sunday , September 8 2024

Death sentence sought for Saigon woman abusing 8-year-old girl to death

Prosecutors proposed death sentence against a woman who had beaten her fiancé’s daughter to death while they lived together in HCMC last year.

According to HCMC People’s Procuracy, Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang’s behavior was dangerous, causing particularly serious consequences, and must be dealt with severely.

Therefore, it suggested that the jury grants her the death sentence, as heard at a trial in HCMC on Friday.

“Although the defendant was sincere during the investigation process, she was incapable of reform and needed to be removed from society,” said a representative of the Procuracy.

It proposed that Trang, 26, be charge with “murder” and “abuse.”

The trial against Trang and the girl’s father Nguyen Kim Trung Thai, 36, drew particular attention from the public. The HCMC People’s Court arranged 300 chairs to accomodate the public to follow the hearings, but a much bigger crowds, including people traveling from outside the city, meant many had to stand.

Police had to send extra officers to maintain security and block roads around the court before the trial opened early on Friday morning.

Similar scenes appeared at the first trial in July, which was postponed for seeking further clarification to assess the severity of the abuse.

Trang and Thai had lived together for over a year, from the time Thai divorced his ex-wife in 2020. Since that day, Trang had frequently beaten the little girl and forced her to do chores, investigation found. When rods broke due to repeated beatings, she switched to wooden implements.

Thai also repeatedly refused to allow the biological mother to visit the girl, it has been reported.

On Dec. 22 last year, Trang beat the girl so badly she fainted. The girl was taken to hospital, but declared dead on arrival. Her wounds and bruises prompted doctors to contact police.

Autopsy results determined the girl had suffered a hematoma under the skin of her forehead, mild cerebral edema, and broken ribs.

Camera footage from Thai’s home, recovered by police, revealed that on Dec. 22, the day the girl died, Trang had beaten her for hours using wooden sticks, her arms and legs. She also bound the little girl to a chair to “teach her a lesson.”

Following the girl’s death, Thai deleted all data from the cameras.

Later, he admitted to police he knew his lover often used rods and sticks to beat his daughter for “education” purposes.

According to prosecutors, Trang had acted out of “despicable motives” as she did not get Thai family’s consent for marriage and Thai did not agree to have a baby with her. Therefore, she had vented her jealousy on Thai’s daughter.

As for Thai, they suggested two-three years in prison for the crime of “abuse” and four-five years in prison for “concealing a crime.”

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