Wednesday , October 23 2024

PM Chính outlines priorities for closer Việt Nam-RoK ties in policy speech

PM Chính acknowledged RoK’s impressive achievements and continuous advancements, establishing itself as an indispensable part of the global economy.

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính gives a policy speech at Seoul National University on Wednesday, as part of his visit to the Republic of Korea. — VNA/VNS Photo

SEOUL — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has affirmed that Việt Nam is ready to cooperate more closely with the Republic of Korea (RoK) to promote the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, for the happiness of the peoples of both countries and for peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

He was speaking at Seoul National University, one of the leading universities in Asia and in the world, a leading academic institution in South Korea, with more than 30,000 students enrolled annually, and around 50 Vietnamese students and researchers enrolled.

During his speech to professors, lecturers and students of the university, PM Chính expressed his admiration for the long history and achievements of Seoul National University, which has trained many outstanding leaders such as President Yoon Seok Yeol, PM Han Duck Soo and former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.

Emphasising the importance both countries place on education, he cited a Korean saying, ‘Education is a hundred-year plan’ and noted that Việt Nam regards education as a top national policy.

PM Chính acknowledged RoK’s impressive achievements and continuous advancements, establishing itself as an indispensable part of the global economy.

Regarding global and regional situations, he observed that while peace prevails overall, local wars exist, overall harmony is coupled with local tensions and overall stability is punctuated by local conflicts.

He stressed that the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean region and ASEAN are increasingly asserting their role as dynamic development centres and leading engines driving the world towards new growth and new development horizons.

A Socialist Việt Nam

Discussing the fundamental elements and development perspectives, achievements and future orientations of Việt Nam, PM Chính stated that after nearly 40 years of renewal, the Communist Party of Việt Nam has formulated a theory on Việt Nam’s renewal path.

This theory reflects the crystallisation of the perception, will and aspirations of the Communist Party of Việt Nam and the Vietnamese people about socialism and the path to socialism in Việt Nam’s specific historical conditions.

Based on this, Việt Nam implements six key policies: foreign policy; defence policy; socio-economic development policy; policies ensuring social progress, social justice, and social security; cultural development as the spiritual foundation of society and Party building.

From a country once placed under an embargo, Việt Nam now has diplomatic relations with 193 countries, including over 30 comprehensive and strategic partners, including the RoK. Việt Nam is also an active member of nearly 70 regional and international organisations.

Today, Việt Nam is a developing country with middle-income status, it ranks among the top 40 economies globally by GDP size and the top 20 economies in terms of trade, it is among the top 46 countries in the world for innovation. Per capita income has risen from around US$100 at the start of the renewal cause, to approximately $4,300 today, a 43-fold increase.

The Government leader underscored that Việt Nam is also: “A leader in successfully achieving many sustainable development goals, particularly in poverty reduction, healthcare and education.”

With a new position and power, Việt Nam increasingly actively contributes to addressing global concerns, including peacekeeping, international security, disaster relief and humanitarian aid.

Việt Nam is also strongly committed to energy transition, aiming to achieve the net-zero goal by 2050, he noted.

Outlining Việt Nam’s vision, orientation and key solutions for the future, PM Chính stated that Việt Nam aims to achieve prosperity, strength, democracy, justice and civilisation as its overarching goals and driving force.

It has set the strategic goal to become a developing country with modern industry and high middle income by 2030 and by 2045, to become a developed country with high incomes.

Việt Nam continues to recognise more challenges than opportunities and needs to adhere closely to reality, responding with timely, flexible, and effective policies, focusing on six key areas: renewing traditional growth drivers and strongly promoting new growth drivers; maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation, promoting growth and ensuring major economic balances; accelerating industrialisation and modernisation, making substantial progress in strategic breakthroughs, and restructuring the economy.

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính speaks at the Seoul National University. — VNA/VNS Photo Dương Giang

RoK-Việt Nam ties

Highlighting the main achievements in Việt Nam-RoK relations and recalling the relationship dating back to the 12th and 13th centuries when two Vietnamese Lý clans settled in Goryeo, PM Chính remarked that over the past three decades, overcoming past differences and barriers, Việt Nam-RoK relations have continuously developed, becoming a model for good relations between East Asian countries with unprecedented levels of successful cooperation.

Việt Nam and the RoK share five major similarities: historical similarity with cultural exchanges dating back over 800 years; similar aspirations for national development through integration and openness; similar ways of thinking leading to mutual empathy; similar interpersonal exchanges with increasingly close familial ties and similar aspirations to contribute to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

Over more than 30 years, especially since the two countries established a Strategic Partnership and a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, Việt Nam-RoK cooperation has made remarkable progress, evidenced by eight highlights: higher political trust; thriving trade cooperation; increased RoK investment in Việt Nam; expanded labour cooperation; strong tourism recovery; closer and more substantial local cooperation; progress in scientific and technological cooperation and climate change response and closer coordination on regional and international issues.

Based on the proud achievements in bilateral relations that the peoples of the two countries have diligently nurtured, PM Chính proposed promoting five ‘priorities’ to further develop the relationship with new methods, new thinking and new orientations.

These include prioritising strengthening the foundation of the relationship, increasing mutual understanding and political trust through regular high-level exchanges and effective implementation of high-level commitments and agreements; enhancing cooperation in diplomacy, defence and security; boosting trade and investment ties; making breakthroughs in culture, tourism and people-to-people exchanges; enhancing ties in education and science-technology, technology transfer, and climate change response.

The two countries should also closely cooperate and support each other in multilateral mechanisms and forums at the United Nations, within the ASEAN-Korea and Mekong-Korea frameworks and continue to support and share a common vision on ensuring security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea (known internationally as the South China Sea).

The support should be based on international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; and at the same time, Việt Nam supports denuclearisation and the maintenances of peace and stability, cooperation and development on the Korean Peninsula.

He told the audience that it was the younger generation who are the future owners and pioneering force in national development and construction. Born and educated in the digital and globalisation era, they have the conditions and advantages to play an important role in deepening the Việt Nam-RoK relationship, contributing to the prosperity, happiness of the peoples of both countries and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world. — VNS

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