Sunday , September 8 2024

People pay tribute to “Outstanding Student of Uncle Hồ”

People of all ages, from students to the elderly and those travelling from distant provinces to the capital, united in their heartfelt tribute and profound sorrow for the passing of the General Secretary.

People pay their respects to General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — During the days of national mourning for General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng, flags will be at half-mast across the country, and life seems to slow down and become more solemn to remember a distinguished “son of the nation” who has just passed away.

People of all ages, from students to the elderly, and those travelling from distant provinces to the capital, united in their heartfelt tribute and profound sorrow for the General Secretary.

By 7am on Thursday (July 25), a large number of people had gathered to pay their respects at the National Funeral Hall on No. 5 Trần Thánh Tông Street, Hà Nội.

Along the streets of Nguyễn Cao, Lò Đúc, Hàn Thuyên, Lê Thánh Tông, and Tăng Bạt Hổ around the Funeral Hall, people patiently queued to pay their respects, with some sobbing and crying.

On Tăng Bạt Hổ Street, holding a portrait of the General Secretary, Đào Thị Ngọc Lan, a veteran from Hà Nội’s Phúc Thọ District, said that she had rented accommodation near the funeral hall two days before the funeral service. She got up early to be present by 4am to complete the procedure for paying her respects.

“The General Secretary was a leader devoted to the nation and the people. Since hearing of his passing, I have cried every day, and I constantly think about him. I hope the officials and Party members will continue to follow the moral example of President Hồ Chí Minh and emulate the qualities of Trọng,” Lan said emotionally.

Hoàng Văn Toản and his wife from Bắc Ninh Province took bus to Hà Nội by 5am. He noted that in recent days, the media and social networks have been filled with expressions of grief and stories from people across the country about the General Secretary. Many felt the loss as if they had lost a family member.

“He was an exemplary leader, with a modest lifestyle, firm principles and intelligence. The Vietnamese people deeply respect and admire him,” Toản said.

Đỗ Lê Thuý Hằng expressed her sorrow, saying that it was impossible to fully describe her feelings. “Nguyễn Phú Trọng was a model leader, an outstanding student of Uncle Hồ. He was so simple, an exceptional communist Party member,” she said.

She had travelled from Đà Lạt City of Lâm Đồng Province with her sister to see ‘Uncle Trọng’ one last time.

“Nguyễn Phú Trọng was a role model for our generation, someone who always put his heart into the country and dedicated himself to the people. We can apply his teachings to our daily lives. I will strive to follow his example,” she said.

People quietly watched the National Funeral Ceremony of General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng with infinite regret. — VNA/VNS Photo

Among the mourners, Lê Văn Đồng, a veteran from Thanh Hóa Province in his seventies, arrived by bus at 2am on July 25 eager to pay his respects. He noted that throughout his career, the General Secretary showed special care and affection for the Party and people of Thanh Hóa. The people deeply respected and admired him and Thanh Hóa was proud to have had such a dedicated Party member.

“People deeply resonate with the General Secretary’s famous saying, ‘If the fire is lit and the furnace is hot, even fresh firewood must burn.’ This shows his unwavering determination in leading the fight against corruption and negativity,” Đồng said.

Another early mourner, Lâm Thị Khuyên from Hưng Yên City, said: “When I heard of General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng’s passing, I couldn’t hold back my tears. Despite being the highest leader, he lived a very simple and approachable life, which endeared him to the people even more.”

Those who could not come to the funeral watched the live broadcast of the memorial service on television.

Colonel Nguyễn Thái Hòa, who joined the Party for more than 55 years ago, could not hide his emotions as he watched the national mourning ceremony on television. He praised the General Secretary as a cultural figure who dedicated his life to the nation until the end.

“Việt Nam has never had such wealth, potential, international stature and prestige as it does now. General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng was a leader with vision, always dedicating himself to the goal of a prosperous, strong, and civilised society. One of his notable legacies is his ‘bamboo diplomacy,’ and he was an outstanding student of President Hồ Chí Minh,” Hòa said.

Hà Văn Beo, 76, from Bến Tre Province, got up at 3am to catch a bus to HCM City for the memorial ceremony.

Despite his age, he felt no fatigue and eagerly awaited his chance to pay his respects to the esteemed leader.

“As a citizen, I deeply mourn the passing of such a revered leader and planned to be here to pay my respects and pray before his portrait. Although I never met him, his work has greatly benefited the country and its people,” he said, fighting back tears.

Hoàng Đôn Nhật Tân, former Editor-in-Chief of Tuổi Trẻ newspaper and chairman of the Hồ Chí Minh City Youth Union’s traditional club, said: “Although the Party Chief has passed away, the Vietnamese revolution will continue and the country will advance along the path set by the Party and President Hồ Chí Minh.”

People queuing to pay respects to General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng. — VNA/VNS Photo

In his homeland

Early in the morning, groups of people gathered respectfully at the cultural house to pay their respects to the General Secretary.

Throughout Lại Đà Village, Đông Hội Commune of Hà Nội’s Đông Anh District, the General Secretary’s homeland, the atmosphere was filled with grief, pride, and respect for the General Secretary. Black flags and mourning ribbons have been displayed by residents for several days.

Security and safety for the funeral are well-managed by local forces, ensuring smooth proceedings in spite of the large crowds.

Inside house, the photos showcasing the General Secretary’s simple life are displayed beside the altar.

The ceremony began with family members and relatives paying their respects, followed by hundreds of local residents and neighbours. Everyone was overcome with grief for the distinguished son of their homeland.

Phan Anh Xuân, from Lại Đà Village, said: “Since learning of the General Secretary’s passing, I feel like losing a close family member. Standing here waiting to pay my respects, I am filled with pride and honour for having a leader who dedicated his life to the country. He is a great example for us to follow, and we pledge to live and work according to his noble spirit.”

Colonel Lê Văn Hà, a former soldier from Đông Anh District, expressed his admiration for the General Secretary’s character and resolve in both revolutionary work and daily life. He hoped that future generations will continue to uphold the spirit and ideals of General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng to build the nation.

Vương Bảo Nam, a sixth-grade student from Ngô Quyền Secondary School, arrived early with his teacher and classmates. He ironed his school uniform meticulously for the occasion. “I have read many stories about him. I deeply admire him and will follow his example of patriotism, simplicity and modesty. I will strive to be a good citizen,” he said with his eyes full of tears. — VNS

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