Saturday , September 21 2024

Doctors recommend measures amid flu on the rise

A patient with flu symptoms at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases. — Photo

HÀ NỘI — As the flu season begins in many provinces, doctors have underlined the importance of preventive measures and the value of treatment for those who catch viruses.

Phạm Văn Phúc, Deputy Head of the Intensive Care Unit at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases, is concerned over the recent surges in cases.

He said with influenza and COVID-19 viruses circulating, people are very likely to get both at the same time, causing treatment to be more complicated and prolonged.

He urged children and elderly people with chronic health conditions, who are more susceptible to flu, to get vaccinations and avoid large gatherings to reduce the risk of being infected.

“Although a flu shot does not always guarantee complete immunity against the viruses, it can help minimise how sick people become if they come down with the flu,” said Phúc.

His concerns are echoed with the number of severe cases of flu in the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases increasing over the past few days.

Patient N.V.A was hospitalised four days ago with severe breathing difficulties and was put on life support. He is now in critical condition as his health deteriorated quickly owing to complications from Influenza A.

Doctors said his chronic conditions, including diabetes and renal failure, might have compounded the impact of the viruses, causing health deterioration.

“His X-ray results unveil a distressing medical condition known as ‘white lung’, meaning a substantial degree of lung damage, ranging between 50 to 60 per cent,” said Phúc.

N.V.A is not the only patient in the hospital to suffer severe complications from Influenza A. Over the past week, 15 people with severe flu were admitted in Đông Anh District (Hà Nội City) alone, of which three are on life-support machines.

“Symptoms of Influenza A infection include fever, coughing, and sneezing,” said Phúc.

“But it can also cause serious complications, such as breathing problems and pneumonia, to those who have chronic conditions.”

The situation is no better at Vietnam National Children’s Hospital, where around 100 to 150 children are diagnosed with flu daily. More than 70 children were admitted to its Centre for Tropical Diseases with severe complications, of which two have been put on ventilatory support.

Vũ Ngọc Long, Deputy Director of the Sub-department for Infectious Disease Control, General Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health), said the recent uptick in flu cases is expected during this time of year when the season is transitioning from winter to spring.

He also said the positive aspect of the current influenza scenario is that dangerous strains such as A(H5N1), A(H5N6), and A(H7N9) have not been detected in the country.

The viral strains behind the current seasonal flu are predominantly comprised of A(H1N1), A(H3N2), and B, which are commonly observed in the region.

People are advised to be cautious and consult a doctor before purchasing Tamiflu to treat Influenza A symptoms. Taking the medication without a doctor’s advice, he explained, could lead to viral resistance to drugs and which may mean it won’t work as well in the future.

People are also advised to wear face masks, regularly clean their hands with sanitisers, restrict physical contact with another person with flu and visit a doctor when they have flu symptoms. — VNS

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