Tuesday , September 17 2024

Unilever Vietnam implements approaches towards net zero future

Unilever has started a range of programs and initiatives for a net zero value chain by 2039, contributing to Vietnam government’s net zero carbon emissions vision by 2050.

In 2021, Unilever published their Climate Transition Action Plan, an ambitious and transparent roadmap to help reduce the company’s operational emissions by 100% by 2030 and reach net zero emissions across their value chain by 2039.

First, Unilever Vietnam is replacing all fossil fuel use in the factories’ boilers with the renewable energy source – biomass recycled from damaged pallets, shredded wood, etc. The company is also committed to using entirely renewable electricity at all factories and offices in Vietnam.

Unilevers representatives introduces the companys approach to sustainability. Photo by Unilever

A Unilever’s representative introduces the company’s approach to sustainability. Photo by Unilever

Secondly, Unilever aims to halve their use of virgin plastic by 2025 to help lower the value chain emissions. Unilever Vietnam has reduced 55% virgin plastic used in its packaging production, three years earlier than the global target, through absolute reduction and post-consumer recycled plastic use.

Thirdly, the company is now replacing fossil fuel-derived chemicals with renewable or recycled carbon. In Home Care, Unilever estimates this will reduce its product’s greenhouse gas emissions by up to 20%.

In Vietnam, Unilever implemented “Clean Future” campaign for Home Care product line early this year, aiming to develop product formulation with water efficiency and biodegradability, and utilize 100% renewable or circular feedstocks. Currently, a number of products from Omo, Comfort, Sunlight, Cif, Lifebuoy have met the criteria of product formulation driving water efficiency and biodegradability.

Unilever replaces fossil fuel-derived chemicals with renewable or recycled carbon in product formulations. Photo by Unilever

Unilever is replacing fossil fuel-derived chemicals with renewable or recycled carbon in product formulations. Photo by Unilever

Next, Unilever Vietnam is working with their partners and suppliers in the value chain to cut down the GHG emissions as more than 75% of the carbon footprint in Unilever Vietnam’s supply chain derives from input materials and outsourced activities.

Until now, the company has eliminated CO2 emissions and carton waste in packaging transportation from Dynaplast; converted to 100% electric forklifts, contributing to a reduction of 1,999 tons of CO2 emissions at all distribution centers by the end of 2021 in comparison with 2020; and implemented the circular economy model in the waste management, turning waste into sources of energy and fertilizers to serve manufacturing activities.

Unilever globally will be calling on countries to deliver policies that accelerate energy and food system transitions at COP27 on the horizon.

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